Contact and Location

All the information about the “La Estrella de tarifa”

  • All the information about the “La Estrella de tarifa”

    Nearest Airports :
    • Gibraltar:
    • Malaga:
    • Jerez:
    • Seville

    Find your bus:
    • From Gibraltar or the line : about 50 minutes by car or bus (Transur Gibraltar 956.66.84.62 and 956.17.00.93 Line )
    • From Malaga: in car between 1h 30 min and 2 hours. By bus : between 2 and 3 hours (bus station 952,350,061 )
    • From Jerez: in car between 1h and 1h 15 min. By bus : between 1 h, 30 minutes to 2 hours (bus station 956 149 990 )
    We recommend that you confirm the schedules with the transport companies

    Other useful phones:
    Bus Stations: Tarifa 956 68 40 38 | Algeciras 956 65 34 56
    Taxis in Tarifa 956,799,077
    Information in this section:


    GPS Coordinates
    Latitude: 36.013684 (36° 0' 49.26 " N)
    Length: -5.602775 (5or 36' 9.99 " W)

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